Image Source: OneWord Media
Kathy Novoa is an LA native and a certified domestic violence advocate. After getting involved with Su Casa, a non-profit domestic violence center in Long Beach, she realized that domestic violence is a real issue happening behind closed doors and “no one is shedding light on it.” She began to hold weekly wellness training sessions to help the survivors heal, to empower them and provide emotional and mental healing. Today, Kathy’s mission is to create awareness through dialogue, apparel, and community events to break the cycles of domestic violence.
We asked Kathy to give our readers some helpful tools on how to find inner peace and stay grounded in their daily lives. Read them below!
5 Ways I Find Inner Peace Every Day:
1. I always start and end my day with 3 things I’m thankful for. This allows me to get perspective, remain humble & elevate my energy.
2. Meditation/Prayer – its vital to have a time of reflection & connection to God and myself.
3. Take responsibility for my life, I don’t let life just happen; I create what I want in my life (remove self-pity).
4. Love and serve others in ANY & EVERY way I can think of. People need the love that is within me.
5. Working out. It helps me detox from any cortisol in my body & boosts endorphins into my system. We were created to move everyday. If you don’t move it, you lose it is what I always tell my clients.
1. I always start and end my day with 3 things I’m thankful for. This allows me to get perspective, remain humble & elevate my energy.
2. Meditation/Prayer – its vital to have a time of reflection & connection to God and myself.
3. Take responsibility for my life, I don’t let life just happen; I create what I want in my life (remove self-pity).
4. Love and serve others in ANY & EVERY way I can think of. People need the love that is within me.
5. Working out. It helps me detox from any cortisol in my body & boosts endorphins into my system. We were created to move everyday. If you don’t move it, you lose it is what I always tell my clients.
5 Affirmations That Help Manifest Your Best Self:
1. I radiate with so much love and others reflect it back to me.
2. Everyday is filled with endless opportunities for me.
3. My life is full of magic, deep connections & serendipity.
4. I am present in every moment & I enjoy every part of my day.
5. Every decision I make brings me success & fulfillment.
Any words of wisdom for all the amigas out there looking to find inner peace this 2019?
Envision yourself as a child again where you had no limitations on your dreams. Take a moment to remain in that space of inspiration. Now come back to yourself and simply begin to work toward that dream every single day. It doesn’t have to be a career or a monetary dream. What I am referring to is this: many of us, if not all of us, crave and desire to be loved and appreciated. Whatever that desire is, give it to yourself and then to others. If it’s love, then think of practical ways you can love yourself so that you can be a more loving person to others. This is how you will live a peaceful future, by digging deep within you to bring it forward into this dimension.

Image Source: Soy Oro
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