Pamela Delgado is a mom of two who was born and raised in Los Angeles and moved to New York City to follow her dreams. She started Rawly Bold in October 2017 to create a space where positivity was restored and our ability to dream and take action for what we believe in was at the forefront. So, she set out on a path to inspire, motivate and empower women via ethically made fashion. When she is not working, she enjoys traveling, being in the great outdoors and working out.
Cell phones and my crystals.
Oh my god, dude.
My grandmother, Ana Cristina.
Ever evolving and when I started Rawly Bold it found it’s calling.
Ways I can make a positive impact in the world.
My 2 boys who have given me strength and have allowed me to experience the best kind of love.
Sopes from King Taco (We don’t have them in NYC).
What contributions do you wish to leave in the world through everything you do?
I wish to inspire others. We can absolutely thrive despite whatever obstacles come our way. We can easily get sidetracked or put down but, it’s up to us to stay on the right path. Words have a way of resonating with people and I hope the words on our apparel will help impact others in a positive way.
Who is one woman who has contributed to your growth in your lifetime and why?
My maternal grandmother. She is an immigrant from El Salvador who cleaned houses, worked in various warehouses, was detained by immigration at one point in her life, raised four amazing daughters and always encouraged my dreams. For a very long time I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life but, I always knew I wanted to make her proud. She sacrificed so much and to me it’s only fair that I strive for my dreams. I don’t want all her sacrifices to be in vain.
Any wisdom you can share with a younger entrepreneur as she/he begins their journey?
It’s ok to not have all your ducks in a row. Don’t spend all your time planning and start. It is not going to be easy but, your dreams are worth the hustle. Think about the pros and cons before making a decision and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Unfortunately, we learn from mistakes so, make as many as possible.
What do you believe makes us powerful as women?
Our ability to adapt and multi task is powerful. I think those qualities are highly underrated. I gained so much more respect for women once I became a mother. It’s amazing how much we can take on.
The 2019 Women's History Month theme was “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence.” What are you doing to cultivate peace in your own life and our world?
Rawly Bold was partially created to cultivate peace. The world has become consistently negative and I want our line to cultivate positivity with empowering and uplifting words. Showing inclusivity and acceptance is also important especially, with social media being so mainstream. The world is home to different types of people and you will see the diversity, unity and sisterhood throughout our campaigns.
Who are two women you admire in fashion and why?
I recently had the honor of meeting Diane Von Furstenberg and it was incredible feeling her girl power. I could feel the passion she has for women advancement as we spoke and I gained a newfound respect for what she has created. It’s admirable to see her use her platform for philanthropy. I am part of the Female Founder Collective and have been lucky enough to see Rebecca Minkoff speak in person. Her passion and determination is similar to mine and I am a sucker for women who also want to lift other women up.
What are your favorite female owned fashion brands and why?
I am really loving Reformation these days. It’s sustainable and fits me really well. I am latina and curvy and sometimes it’s hard to find clothing that compliment my body type and style. What Yael has done with that brand and how they handle production is amazing. I recently discovered a brand called Andie & Erin and they are neckties inspired by badass women in history. It’s my new favorite accessory and it’s made in NYC which, makes me feel good. I love when founders genuinely want to help do good and create jobs. Of course being profitable is important but, doing it with class is the way to go, in my opinion.
To learn more about Pamela and Rawly Bold click here.
To learn more about Pamela and Rawly Bold click here.
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